Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Where has the time gone?
I've been away far too long..
I hope I've lost those that linger,
And kept those that give feedback with eager.

And those that just stand aside and linger,
Must by now find better to do with their time,
As I try and try to write yet another line.

I've been away for long enough,
To start making my words build bulk,
From now on, each post will build up,
Eventually to a point at which some lines,
Will hold power equivalent to the Incredible Hulk.

Although it seems that my page visits are not steady,
Those that care are always ready,
Reading carefully, line by line.
Giving feedback where they deem necessary,
Comparing one verse to another,
And one post to the other.
I wish to become here what I am in my head,
Impromptu, un-tethered, impulsive and unhindered,